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BACKGROUND: There are several reasons why sutures are utilized in surgery. Sutures are the materials that are most frequently utilized for this purpose. Absorbable sutures have the benefit of typically not needing to be removed. The pH and temperature of the tissues surrounding the suture affect how quickly this breakdown occurs. Although PGA is more powerful than silk, it loses a lot of strength over time in gums.Vicryl has low tissue reactivity, good tensile strength, and good knot security. It loses its tensile strength in 28 days. Food that we regularly eat contains secondary metabolites, which are organic compounds with low molecular weight that can be biosynthesized by any living thing utilising a variety of biosynthetic routes. Geneistein and caffeine are two such metabolites that are widely consumed by Indians. Analyzing the impact of genistein and caffeine on absorbable sutures is our goal.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Genistein and Caffeine were prepared as formulations and its antioxidant and anti inflammatory activity were evaluated individually and in combinations .Then the extract was coated in vicryl and PGA sutures of sample size 30 pieces ( 15 pieces in PGAand vicryl each ) .SEM analysis was done after coating . Tensile strength was analyzed for coated sutures before and after immersion in artificial saliva at day 1 and 14.
RESULTS:DPPH assay of antioxidant activity , genistein - caffeine formulation has very moderate (45%) antioxidant activity. In protein denaturation assay , anti inflammatory activity of genistein - caffeine has high (75%) anti inflammatory activity.Scanning electron microscope shows even coating of genistein-caffeine formulation on PGA sutures.vicryl coated with Genistein- caffeine shows maximum tensile strength at pH 4.4( 1439.45+0.87) . PGA sutures show decreased tensile strength after immersion in artificial saliva at pH 4.4 (630.68+0.54) than the control group.
CONCLUSION: Thus the study shows that absorbable suture which is coated with the genistein - caffeine was being tested under scanning electron microscope in which it shows even coating all over the surfaces. The tensile strength is higher in vicryl than in PGA before and after immersion in artificial saliva.The antioxidant activity ,the formulation of genistein - caffeine formulation shows comparative effective activity in DPPH assay.In protein denaturation assay , the formulated extract genistein - caffeine has comparable moderate anti inflammatory activity.