Sleep Disorders in Adolescents in Detention. Crime And Punishment

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Elena A. Balakireva, Yulia V. Kovalenko, Evenia A. Tempelin, Oksana G. Begina, Tatyana V. Nikulova.


Goal of research: to analyse the main types of sleep disturbances in adolescents serving sentences in prison facilities.

Materials and methods: The study included 76 teenagers in custody in the pretrial detention centre of the Rostov region. The age of prisoners is from 14 to 19 years, the average age is 17.7.

Findings: As can be seen from the table, the largest number of study participants complained of long-term asleep - 15 (62.5%) and frequent awakenings at night - 13 (54.2%). 16 teenagers had more than one complaint of sleep disorders (21.1%). The most common "combination" was - long asleep in combination with frequent awakenings at night - 11 (45.8%).

Conclusions: Our hypothesis about the increased incidence of sleep disorders in adolescents in penitentiary institutions, associated with multicomponent stress due to the crime itself and its consequences, has not been reliably confirmed.

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