Analysis of Spectral Indices of Images Captured from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle at the ANA Moyocancha Altitude Station

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W, Oñate, P Vaca, M Moscoso, M. Vaca-Cárdenas


This research analyzed vegetation cover through the application of the vegetation index transition matrix (NDVI-GNDVI) at the Aña Moyocancha High Altitude Station using aerial images captured by drone. The images were captured using the Sendera-Sensor AGX710 multispectral camera and the DJI M200 remotely piloted aerial vehicle; the DJI Pilot application was used for flight planning. Subsequently, the images were processed in Pix4Dmapper software. Once the spectral bands were generated, they were entered into ArcGIS 10.8 software to calculate the indices; these were reclassified, transformed and the intersection matrix was applied. The results obtained showed a maximum NDVI value of 1 and a minimum of -0.9991, for the GNDVI a maximum value of 1 and a minimum of -0.9991, the reclassification determined for the NDVI the middle class with 108.2 representing 51.28 %, followed by the high class with 38.58 Ha. covering 38.58% and the low class represented 21.4 Ha, The middle class represented 137 ha (65.03 %), followed by the low class with 72.13 ha (20%) and the high class with 1.66 ha (0.79 %). It is concluded that the analysis using the intersection tool identified eight categories. The low coincidence category covered an area of 1.65 ha, which established spaces with infrastructure, the medium coincidence category covered 0.000737 ha, which determined areas of sparse vegetation and the high coincidence category with 0.113067 ha corresponded to shrub vegetation. 

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