A Study of Professional Job Stress Among the Health Care Workers During the Emergency Period
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Stress at work has been linked to health problems and accidents at work. Due to their particular work environment, health care workers make up a significant group of people who are impacted by emotional states and stress. The key determinants of the caliber of work and individual productivity are the employee's level of stress and job satisfaction. To evaluate medical professionals' job happiness, stress from their jobs, and psychological morbidity among physicians, surgeons and community pharmacists and provide a comparison with general practitioners. Occupational stress may harm one's health and lower productivity and efficiency. Due to a variety of issues, providing healthcare in rural locations is a taxing endeavor for healthcare professionals. They become less motivated and feel job stress due to a variety of circumstances, including inadequate staffing of personnel that results in overburdened workloads. According to the study's findings, patient care is significantly impacted by stress, exhaustion, burnout, depression, and overall psychological discomfort.