Molecular and biochemical study of Dehydroepiandrosterone, Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and Androstenedione hormones in Iraqi infertile men

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Safaa A.AL-Saady, Hadeel A. Omear, Adnan F. Azaawie


The current study was conducted on the  means  patients with the inability to induce pregnancy in a woman through unprotected intercourse for at least one year from the date of marriage. This study focuses on understanding the connection and the detrimental effects for hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase genetic polymorphisms of (rs2637125 G>A) locus. and the effect of the secretion of some important steroid hormones in the process of fertilization. Which includes the dehydroepiandrosterone hormone (DHEA) dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) hormone and androstenedione hormone  (ASD) also includes collecting semen samples from patients with idiopathic infertility (40) infertile males of unknown cause and (20) healthy individuals (the control group) whose ages ranged from (18 to 60 years) according to the findings the study showed that there was a significant decrease in hormone levels in infertile male, that is, there was a significant difference at the probability level (P < 0.01) in infertile men compared to the control group As for the molecular study it includes identifying a single nucleotide polymorphisms of the sulfoftransferase (SULT2A1) gene and the role of the sulfotransferase enzyme and its correlation to the levels of these hormones and their impact on male infertility of idiopathic Polymorphisms of the gene have been identified of the SULT2A1 gene for locus (rs2637125 )  the results showed an association between the gene and the disease.


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