Realistic mathematical education in the study of ordinary differential equations

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Wilson Marcelo Román Vargas, Martha Ximena Dávalos Villegas, Alex Eduardo Pozo Valdiviezo, Rómel Manolo Insuasti Castelo


The didactic scenario generated by the covid 19 pandemic has affected the learning process of ordinary differential equations, affecting the levels of understanding and applicability of mathematical concepts, in this sense we ask ourselves what mathematical understanding of second-order linear ODEs Is it fostered with a teaching design based on real situations?

In the research, the perspective of Realistic Mathematics Education is considered, where the elements of mathematical understanding are described and didactic activities framed in the solution of a real context problem represented by a dynamic system are designed, the results achieved show achievements in understanding. conceptual and in the fluidity of the procedures, but it is necessary to redesign didactic strategies to strengthen the productive predisposition and the strategic competence  in the students of the mechatronics engineering career.

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