Field Evaluation of the Efficacy of Some Chemical Pesticides and The Biological Fungus Trichoderma Harzianum Against Larvae and Adults of Rhaphidopalpaa Foveicollis (Lucas) (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera)

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Hanadi A. Abdul-Razzaq, Hadeel Abdelelah Abdel Razaaq


This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of three types of chemical pesticides, Karate Zeon, Actara and Zenith, in addition to the use of the biological fungus Trichoderma harzianum against the larvae and adults of the red beetle Raphidopalpa foveicollis (Lucas) in the field. The results of the study showed that the two pesticides Actara and Zenith are the best, as the percentage of their effectiveness in red beetle larvae after eight days of treatment was 89.52 and 87.50% respectively, and reached 81.83% in Karate Zeon. As for the red beetle adults, the percentage of effectiveness of the pesticides Actara and Zenith after eight days of treatment was 84.81 and 78.3% respectively, and reached 76.32% at Karate Zeon. The results of the study also showed the effect of the fungus T. harzianum on the larvae and adults of the red beetle. The percentage of activity of the fungus after eight days of treatment with a concentration of 1×107 spore/ ml was 61.20 and 52.06% for two phase respectively.

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