The effectiveness of a counseling program to develop the awareness of female students of the College of Education at Najran University in ways to rationalize food consumption

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Nagafa Rezk Abd Elgleel Abd Elnaby


Rationalization of consumption and reduction of waste is one of the proposed solutions to address the problem of food shortage. Therefore, the need to rationalize food consumption has increased, due to the conditions in which we live, and the accompanying increase in population, lack of food resources and the clear rise in prices, which requires the use of available resources to the maximum extent possible, and an attempt to limit irrational consumption, and therefore it is necessary to raise The level of awareness of ways to rationalize food consumption.

Therefore, this research aimed to identify the students' knowledge of rationalizing food consumption, and to design a program to develop awareness of ways to rationalize food consumption for female students who are less knowledgeable. And to verify the effectiveness of the program in follow-up telemetry. By using the descriptive and semi-experimental method, the descriptive sample consisted of (120) students and the experimental sample consisted of (20) students, and they were divided into two experimental and control groups, each of them (10). The tools used to identify awareness of ways to rationalize food consumption and the extension program (prepared by the researcher). The most important results revealed that the level of awareness of the students about ways to rationalize food consumption came to a moderate degree. It turned out that preserving food by refrigeration came first, followed by preserving food by freezing, then preserving the nutritional value, then cooking, then preparation, followed by purchase, followed by serving, followed by preserving food in the kitchen cupboard, followed by dealing with leftover foods, followed by home manufacturing.

It also shows the effectiveness of the program in developing awareness of ways to rationalize food consumption for the experimental group in the post and follow-up measurements among female students of the College of Education at Najran University, which indicates the continuity of the program.

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