Distribution of some virulence factors related to Streptococcus pyogenes isolated from tonsilitis in AL –Diwaniyah provence

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Ahmed Razaq Wajid, Firas Srhan Abd AL- Mayahi



Streptococcus pyogenes(group A streptococcus ,GAS) is a human pathogen that causes a wide spectrum of clinical diseases .The pathogenic properties of GAS strains are often linked to the production of virulence factors such as toxins, proteases or DNases. Detection of virulence factors produced by GAS strains can be used to either determine pathogenic potential of the strain or as a rapid screening method. We recently developed a method to detect simultaneously 7 GAS virulence factors (spe C, I, A, H, G, smeZ and ssa).  In this study we found a high rate and degree of resistance to penicillins group and tetracyclin, wetherase  were strains very susceptible to meropenem and chloramphenicol The results of molecular screening showed SpeA gene were 46.6% , speC gene was 80 %,smez gene was 53.3%, speI gene was 10%, ssa gene was 73.3,speH gene was 56.6% and speG gene was 60% of total isolates.                               


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Author Biography

Ahmed Razaq Wajid, Firas Srhan Abd AL- Mayahi