The effect of an educational program based on (UDL) in developing the coordination thinking skills of the students of the Institute of Fine Arts in the subject of aesthetic education and artistic appreciation

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Mustafa Abdulateef Abdulhameed, Firas Ali Hassan



The aim of the research is to build an educational program based on (UDL) to develop coordination thinking skills, Through the lesson of aesthetic education and artistic appreciation and verification of The impact of the proposed educational program on the development of coordination thinking among students of art institutes in the subject of aesthetic education and artistic appreciation.

The current research community is represented by third-grade students at the Institute of Fine Arts / Baghdad Al-Kark A one-group experimental design with two tests (pre and post) was used  After completing the research tools and building the educational program, the researcher applied his experiment, and he used the t-test for two interrelated samples to reach the results The researcher concluded that there is a statistically significant effect at the 0.05 level of significance in favor of the post application, Which indicates its positive impact on the development of coordinating thinking. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in teaching the third grade students at the Institute of Fine Arts the subject of aesthetic education and artistic appreciation through it, the researcher suggests employing the comprehensive design for learning in building the educational program for other subjects.


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Author Biography

Mustafa Abdulateef Abdulhameed, Firas Ali Hassan