Knowledge And Attitude About HIV, AIDS And Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Paramedical Students Of North-Eastern University, India

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Lakshmi Nandan Baruah, Dr. Kangkana Dutta Phukan, Dr. Rakibul Hasan Khan (PHD-HC)


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) stigmatization takes place in all levels of health care system. Paramedical students should get proper training and education to interact with a PLHIV (People living with HIV) so that PLHIV can easily come forward for their treatment and Paramedics can assure quality care towards HIV positive patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted using a multistage area sampling method using a standardized questionnaire among 695 undergraduate students of various departments of Paramedical science of a North-Eastern University, India. The present study showed the perceptions regarding HIV and AIDS among the Paramedical students were not consistent. Students had misconceptions about the modes of HIV transmission and students had different attitudes towards HIV-positive person. Only 15.5% of students knew about Post-exposure prophylaxis. 93.5% of students felt the need of learning resources, training and guidance to deal with the PLHIV.




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Author Biography

Lakshmi Nandan Baruah, Dr. Kangkana Dutta Phukan, Dr. Rakibul Hasan Khan (PHD-HC)