Effectiveness Of Music Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dementia, Depression, Insomnia and Schizophrenia: A Review

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Dr Rajvi. B. Shah, Dr Kalpesh Satani



Background and objective: Music therapy (MT) aims at maintaining or improving, restoring and furthering physical/emotional/mental health. Music therapy is a one kind of therapeutic approach that uses musical interaction as a way of communication and expression. In the area of the mental disorders, the aim of the therapy is to help people improve their emotional and rational competencies and address issues they may not be able to expressing. This review assesses effectiveness of Music therapy and its methods for autism spectrum disorder, dementia, depression, insomnia and schizophrenia.

Methodology: A literature search for current study was performed in electronic databases of PubMed from 2013 to January 2023. More than 100 articles were reviewed,articles assessing various treatment but effects of music therapy in various disorders are limited.

Findings: Music therapy (is helpful) as an adjunct in the treatment of various psychiatric disorders. It is improving overall mood and behavior of this type of patients, which is very beneficial or positive effects of the overall treatment. There are many studies regarding effects of music therapy in individual single psychiatric disorders. Only one systematic review was included the effect of music therapy for autism spectrum disorder, dementia, depression, insomnia and schizophrenia.

Conclusion: Findings of current review suggests that Music therapy as an adjunct therapy for various psychological disorders, which should be given attention while planning rehabilitation strategies for autism spectrum disorder, dementia, depression, insomnia and schizophrenia.


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Author Biography

Dr Rajvi. B. Shah, Dr Kalpesh Satani