A Crticial Study of Cyber Crime: It’s Impact During Covid-19

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Kriti Bhatia, Dr. Sonu Agarwal


At the beginning of the 21st century, there were many important technological changes that changed the way people talk to each other. The digital age has spread all over the world, making it easier for people to take part in their social, political, and economic lives. The number of people using computers and other electronic devices has grown a lot all over the world. Because of these changes, criminal activity has gotten a lot worse, especially online.. As a result, the number of illegal activities online keeps going up. Even though the international community has tried to fight the problem and lessen its effects, the number of scary cybercrimes has continued to rise around the world. They include setting up a clear legal framework, building and strengthening law enforcement agencies to deal with cybercrime, and providing cutting-edge infrastructure and surveillance technology. Cybercrime is the term for attacks that are done on purpose. These attacks can cause serious problems for society, such as economic problems, mental illnesses, and threats to national security. So, this article gives an overview of cyber crimes, including how they affect society and what might happen in the futuNamere.



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Author Biography

Kriti Bhatia, Dr. Sonu Agarwal