“To Evaluate the Shodhana Effect of Kampillak Churna Avachurnan in Dushtavrana.”

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Dr Amit Ashok Paliwal, Dr Vasudha Asutkar, Dr Umesh Vaidya, Dr Tapan Bhavsar


 Vrana being a very important issue in the branch of surgery which demands special attention. The study of wound care is continuously upgraded and updated, with newer modalities, to reduce the possible complications, side effects during the course of treatment and also to reduce a time taken for complete healing of the wound with minimal cicatrisation. Ayurveda has a big list of plants, which are attributed with Vranashodhana and Ropana (wound healing) activity. Avachurnan is feasible which it can also be done by the patient at home without any medical supervision. Hence a search for more effective and safe method of Vranashodhana and Ropana is a demand for management of Vrana. Falraj (Hairs of Fruit) and other parts of Kampillak are used externally to promote the healing of ulcers and wounds as it has property of Vranashodhana, Ropana, Shleshma, Kruminashak. Aim is to study the Shodhana effect of Kampillak Churna Avachurnan in Dushtavrana. And then it is statistically analyzed the efficacy based on collected data. The study includes inclusion and exclusion criteria and two groups (Group A and Group B), 30 patients each group. Significant reduction seen in all 6 symptoms. So we can conclude that Kampillak Churna Avachurnan offers distinct advantages in  Dushtavrana Shodhana Churna gives beneficial effects as conservative management in spite of surgical interventions such as debridement procedure.

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