A Study of Incidence of Pre-Eclampsia In Relation To Socioeconomic Status of The Mother
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Background: Pre-eclampsia is a serious complication of pregnancy and contributes significantly maternal as well as perinatal morbidity and mortality. So this study is done to show the relationship if exists between socioeconomic status and chances of risk of pre-eclampsia to help early detection of pre-eclampsia.
Aim: To find out whether socioeconomic statusĀ can have any relation in the development of pre-eclampsia.
Methodology: 160 pre-eclamptic women in age group 18-42 years were included in the study. Cases are divided according to different socioeconomic status of the mother.
Result: Higher incidence of pre-eclampsia was observed in the Lower Class followed by Lower Middle Class.
Discussion: Socioeconomic status of the mother is found to be related to pre-eclampsia.
Conclusion: So from the above study it was observed that incidence of pre-eclampsia was higher in lower socioeconomic status.