An In-Vitro Evaluation of Formulated Piperine and Genistein on Absorbable Sutures
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Background: In the oral cavity, the material of the suture has different flexibility to the tissue. Factors like salivary compounds, pH, and food intake assume significant parts in tissue irritation as well as the degree of injury. Characteristics like predictability, adaptability, and low inflammatory reaction decide the selection of an ideal suture material. One of the properties that decides the longevity of sutures in the oral cavity is their tensile strength properties. Absorbable sutures are great for internal injuries, as they degrade in their own body climate and lose their strength within a couple of months. Genistein and piperine are the secondary metabolites which are present in foods of the day today. Our aim is to evaluate the influence of genistein and piperine on absorbablesutures.
Materials and Methods: Genistein and Piperine extracts were prepared. 15 Vicryl and 15 PGA sutures were cut into 6 pieces each. Genistein and piperine extracts, and combination of genistein and piperine extracts analyzed for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. For 24 hours, the sutures were coated with the prepared extract analyzed under scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) , and its tensile strength was analyzed at Day 1, and Day 14.
Results: Combination of genistein and piperine of 90% has good anti-inflammatory activity Piperine had an antioxidant effect of 75% when compared to a combination of genistein and piperine. On day 1 uncoated PGA(control group) showed the maximum tensile strength of 5799.71±0.5MPa when compared to test groups. On the 14th day, coated PGA after immersion at 4.4 pH showed least tensile strength of 795.67±0.8MPa. As the tensile strength decreases this indicates a faster degradation of the sutures.
Conclusions: From the findings of our study we can conclude that, at day 1 PGA uncoated suture(control group) has more tensile strength when compared to coated sutures and at day 14 coated PGA has least tensile strength, which shows more degradation. Combination of genistein and piperine formulated extract has more anti-inflammatory effect and piperine has a good antioxidant effect.