Adoption Of Lighting Technology In Onion Farming

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Nurhapsa, Edi Kurniawan, Suherman, Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin, Betrixia Barbara


This study aimed to examine the factors influencing farmers' adoption of innovation and technology in onion farming. The sample was taken randomly from as many as 44 shallot farmers who applied light technology and mosquito net technology in Mataran Village, Enrekang Regency. Primary and secondary data were used in this study. The data were analyzed descriptively and using a logistic function approach. The results of the study show that the level of land area and age have a significant and positive effect on the opportunities for farmers to adopt the technology of using lights in onion farming. While the family size and farming experience did not significantly affect the chances of farmers adopting the technology of using lights in onion farming, local government support is needed to assist farmers in applying technology that can increase the productivity of onion farming.

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