Inbound Proposal for Anirolls, An Artisan Pastry Company

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José Alejandro Pérez Cortes, Pablo E. Carreño H., Fabian Blanco Garrido, Fredys A. Simanca H., Claudia A. Cifuentes V.


The following article shows the results and each of the necessary steps to make an inbound proposal. In each stage (attract, convert, close and delight), a strategy will be carried out, in order to achieve an adequate practice in the inbound proposal. In the first step, we will explain the SEO strategy, which was carried out to find the keywords that will help us to position Anirolls in social networks. In the second and fourth steps, we decided to create forms in order to know the target audience, their interests, the quality of the product and the service provided. In the third step, RD STATION was introduced, which is a program that is responsible for organizing the data, knowing our customers in each of the faces (cold, warm, hot) and finally offers the possibility of continuous training.

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