The Influence of Technology on Human Resource Management Functions on Volunteer Performance

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Muhammad Alfathan Harriz, Harlis Setiyowati, Supriadi Thalib, Harimurti Wulandjani, Masayu Endang Apriyanti


The purpose of the study was to evaluate how human resource management affected volunteer performance. This study's approaches combine a quantitative strategy with survey techniques. The coefficient of determination for the doubled X1, X2, X3, and X4 to (Y) volunteer performance is 0.92, which indicates that 92% of performance was influenced by the variables of recruitment, selection, job placement, and job training together, with the remaining 8% being influenced by unresearched variables. The F count>F table result from five (5) research variables with up to 40 data points and a 5% significance level was 100.685>2.49, with a probability of 0.0000.05. The recruiting, selection, work placement, and job training variables, either concurrently (together) or partially, have a significant impact on the dependent variable (volunteer performance) at alpha 5% (95% confidence level). Job training variables are the independent variables that have the biggest impact on the performance of volunteers. The skills of the volunteer tutors are significantly impacted by technology. This will develop in line with the advent of the entirely digital contemporary era. It is therefore hoped that academia will keep helping through community service initiatives.

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