Guidelines for the Implementation of a Quality Management System based on the International Standard ISO 9001, for the Agro-Industrial Pig Slaughter Chain of the city of Riobamba

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Diego Ivan Cajamarca Carrazco, Danilo Fernando Fernández Vinueza Ing. de Empresas, Fausto Ulpiano Caicedo Benavides, Luis Carlos Hidalgo Viteri


The main objective of the research was to design the guidelines for the  implementation of a Quality  Management System based on  the International  Standard ISO 9001: 2015,  for the agro-industrial chain of the Municipal Slaughter Center of  the Riobamba Canton through the Design of a Quality Manual for pig slaughter processes.  In the first instance,  an evaluation of the  initial organizational  diagnosis was carried out through unstructured observation and documentary review, a descriptive statistic and a comparison of the results with the requirements of the  International Standard were applied, in addition, with a quality record as a means of verification of the activities carried out.  When applying the various criteria established within the reference regulations, it was determined that the existing documents in the Slaughter Center are duly authorized having a compliance of 80%.  Likewise  , 80% of the operators  know the functional organization chart to fulfill the functions that are entrusted and ensure the quality of the product. The Municipal Slaughter Center, has an infrastructure in accordance with the provisions of the  Standard since 100% compliance is observed as  well as it is appreciated that the entity is governed by the INEN 1218 standard  and Ley  of Mataderos 502 for the provision of the service with a compliance of 70%. A very important aspect  is that a record is left of the procedure that is taken when the animal is confiscated with 90% compliance. It was possible to develop standards, instructions, formats, process manuals and procedures in the design of the quality management system of the  Municipal Slaughter Center of  Riobamba that has a Manual  of Functions for each of the administrative and production areas,  however, for management reasons it is not disseminated, much less socialized among the staff of the  Slaughter center.

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