Strategy for Implementing the Blue Economy Concept in Neon Tetra Ornamental Fish Cultivation Groups; Model Analytical Hierarchy Process

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Harlis Setiyowati, Mulyanto Nugroho, Abdul Halik


This study aims to provide empirical evidence in determining the formulation of "Strategy for Implementing the Blue Economy Concept in Neon Tetra Ornamental Fish Cultivation Groups in Bojongsari Regency, Depok, West Java." Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model to select priority factors and actors implementing the implementation of the blue economy. This research belongs to the category of phenomenological research, a qualitative method in which the researcher observes participants in an activity to gain information about the key phenomena they exhibit. obtain direct information through direct observation in accordance with the interview guide (interview) to develop the thesis. Based on the test results from 30 informans, the priority factor in the strategy for implementing the blue economy is first place on Capital with a score of 0.450. The second order is Human Resources which received a score of 0.329, followed by Competition Structure, which received a score of 0.102, and Market Conditions, which received a score of 0.117 as the last order. Meanwhile, the most important actor in implementing the Blue Economy is the Marketing Department with a weight of 0.334. The second most important actor is the Chairperson of the POKDAKAN with a weight of 0.268. The third most important actor is the Board of Trustees (DKP3) with a weight of 0.254, and the actor with the lowest weight is all members with a weight of 0.163. 

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