An Article on Seasonal Variation in Hydrobiology of River Ganga at Brijghat (J.P. Nagar), India
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As we know that water is necessary for all the daily life activities. Ground water is used for drinking purpose, irrigation purpose. Water is also important component in regulating temperature and life on earth. Demand of water is increasing day by day with increasing number of populations. Once if water get contaminated then it cannot be restored back easily. Contaminated water spreading diseases in human beings as well as in animals also. A study on Ganga river at Haridwar concluded that water parameters such as; temperature, turbidity, BOD and TDS varies in different three seasons (Kamboj, 2019).The quality of river water as determined by its physical and chemical constituents is of great importance in determining its suitability for a certain use such as public water supply, irrigation, industrial application etc (Dwivedi and Pathak, 2007).