Corporate Social Responsibility in Peru: A systematic review

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Manuel Lorenzo Germán-Cáceres, Julio César Nuntón-More, Ericka Julissa Suysuy-Chambergo, Merly del Rocío Nevado-Chauca


In this research the importance of corporate social responsibility according to different investigations on subject was analyzed. In this context, the question arises: What is the importance of corporate social responsibility according to different investigations on subject? And as specific questions: What results are obtained with implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility? What are main conclusions drawn by research on Corporate Social Responsibility? Methodology in this research was based on a bibliographic study, basic type. Scielo, Ebsco Host, ProQuest and Dialnet academic search engines was considered, 40 research articles were obtained based on some selection and exclusion criteria. It was concluded corporate social responsibility (CSR) can help Latin American companies to achieve integration in social environment to satisfy and strengthen relationships, and achieve greater acceptance and recognition by their audiences. Also, importance of CSR has grown internationally both in developed markets and in emerging or developing economies. There are arguments in favor of companies with better financial performance having greater financial resources to invest in social strategies.

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