“Alianza con Vos” model in Medellín: school environment and citizenship competencies

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Liliana Paola Muñoz Gómez, Jenny Josefina Vicuña Romero, Gloria María López Arboleda, Sara Cristina Guerrero, Ennyth Julyeth Álvarez Chaparro, Smith Ibeth Guerrero Rodríguez


The article presents the results of two categories of analysis: (school environment and civic competences), linked to the "Alianzas con Vos" project that is part of the public education policy of the city of Medellín and that is described in the Plan of Development "Medellín Counts on You 2016-2019". Said project proposes the construction of alliances that involve universities, companies and private schools, so that they accompany official educational institutions in improving the quality of the educational service they offer. It starts from a multicausal and multidimensional notion of educational quality; from which, the school environment and civic competences are associated with psychological, social and human factors. A descriptive, qualitative approach research was proposed, based on the analysis of semi-structured interviews and focus groups through intentional sampling, applied to the educational community of the public sector attached for the year 2019, to the project "Alianzas con Vos”. The results revealed positive and significant relationships of the impact of the project with the allied entities. Likewise, the study showed a positive effect of the Alliance model and important transformations linked to personal, professional, academic and administrative processes were found, which make it clear that this type of intervention facilitates the actions of the public and private entities involved.

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