Calculation of the energy of subshells for six electron systems

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Hashim Yousef Yaqoub Al-kazrajy, Qassim Shamkhi AL-Khafaji


In the present study, the atomic properties have been calculated for each electron in (1s), (2s), and (2p) for the six-electron system for (Ne+4, Na+5, Mg+6, Al+7, Si+8, and P+9-ions) with an atomic number (Z=10 to 15). The calculated atomic properties include the one particle radial distribution function, the expectation values, the standard deviation  the inter-electronic distribution function f (r12), the energy expectation value  and other properties. Hartree-Fock approximation has been used to determine each of these attributes. The software package Mathcad14 was used to acquire the results numerically. All results were derived using the atomic unit

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