Interpolative Ciri´c-Reich-Rus-type contraction in G-Metric Spaces.

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Youssef El Bekri
Mohamed Edraoui
Jamal Mouline
Abdelhafid Bassou


In this brief manuscript, we delve into the widely recognized Ciri´cReich-Rus-type contractions by integrating the principles of interpolation within the context of a complete G-metric space

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Author Biographies

Youssef El Bekri

Laboratory of Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (LAMS), Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Ben M’Sik Faculty of Sciences, Hassan II University of Casablanca, P.B 7955 Sidi Othmane, Casablanca, Morocco

Mohamed Edraoui

Laboratory of Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (LAMS), Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Ben M’Sik Faculty of Sciences, Hassan II University of Casablanca, P.B 7955 Sidi Othmane, Casablanca, Morocco

Jamal Mouline

Laboratory of Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (LAMS), Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Ben M’Sik Faculty of Sciences, Hassan II University of Casablanca, P.B 7955 Sidi Othmane, Casablanca, Morocco

Abdelhafid Bassou

Laboratory of Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (LAMS), Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Ben M’Sik Faculty of Sciences, Hassan II University of Casablanca, P.B 7955 Sidi Othmane, Casablanca, Morocco