Importance Of Local Governance for Protection and Promotion of Traditional Knowledge at the Grassroots: A Brief Perspective

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Mr. Santanu Bhowmick
Dr. Inderjeet Singh Sodhi


Protecting and promoting traditional knowledge and biodiversity is essential for ensuring sustainable development goals and the conservation of our biodiversity heritage. Traditional knowledge, held by indigenous and local communities, encompasses a wealth of ecological knowledge, practices, and innovations passed down through generations but in most cases, it has no system of documentation, hence traditional knowledge faces multiple challenges for its preservation and documentation. This knowledge is closely intertwined with biodiversity, as it often offers insights into sustainable resource management, ecosystem conservation, and climate change adaptation. However, both traditional knowledge and biodiversity face numerous challenges, including cultural erosion, unsustainable resource extraction, habitat destruction with rapid urbanization, and increasing trend of unsustainable human behaviour.

To address these challenges, a participatory and inclusive local governance system, which considers bottom-up perspectives, can significantly ensure the active involvement of indigenous and local communities. In addition, at the grassroots level, the Biodiversity Management Committee, Youth Club, Village Health Sanitation Nutrition Committee, local groups etc. can be the key actors in preserving and transmitting traditional knowledge and conserving biodiversity. These organizations may facilitate community-led initiatives, such as knowledge documentation, land stewardship, and sustainable livelihood practices, which contribute towards the purpose of the framework.

The study will explore the role of local governance with a policy perspective from the grassroots in conserving traditional knowledge and biodiversity with a special emphasis on existing Acts, Rules, guidelines, and policies related to local government and biodiversity management. This paper takes a descriptive research approach to secondary and primary data, emphasizing the researcher's experiences.

In conclusion, the protection and promotion of traditional knowledge and biodiversity require the maximum utilization of existing local governance frameworks, with the participation of people and the implementation of relevant policies at the grassroots.

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Author Biographies

Mr. Santanu Bhowmick

Ph.D. Student, Department of Local Governance, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, Contact No: 9836064524

Dr. Inderjeet Singh Sodhi

Professor, Department of Local Governance, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sriperumbudur, Contact No: 09414064162.