The Indian Premier League (IPL) And Its Transformative Impact On Indian Cricket: A Comprehensive Review Of Available Literature.

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Prince Vishal Dixit


The Indian Premier League (IPL) has emerged as a transformative force in Indian cricket, reshaping its landscape in multiple dimensions. This research paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the changing dimensions of Indian cricket brought about by the IPL. The study examines the economic, cultural, and sporting impacts of the IPL, exploring its role in revenue generation, player recruitment, and the commercialization of the sport. Through an in-depth analysis of literature, the paper explores the implications of the IPL's emergence on fan engagement, social inclusion, and the development of infrastructure. Additionally, it examines the challenges and controversies faced by the IPL and provides insights into governance, ptalent development, and the future of Indian cricket. The findings highlight the significant transformations witnessed in Indian cricket and underscore the need for continued research and development to sustain and enhance the positive aspects of the IPL's impact on the sport.

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Author Biography

Prince Vishal Dixit

Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, NMSN Dass (PG) College, Budaun, UP