“Effect Of Customized Awareness Programme On Knowledge Regarding Prevention Of Pre-Eclampsia Among Women In Selected Rural Areas Of Bhopal’’
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The present study has been undertaken to assess knowledge score regarding prevention of pre-eclampsia among women by customized awareness program in Gandhi Nagar at Bhopal. The research design adopted for the study was pre- experimental in nature. The tool for the study was self-structured knowledge questionnaire which consists of two parts-PART- I consisted questions related to Socio-demographic data; PART-II consisted of self -structured knowledge questionnaire to assess the knowledge score regarding prevention of pre-eclampsia among women. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The most significant finding was that 62.0% of women were having average knowledge regarding prevention of pre-eclampsia whereas 38.0% had good knowledge after post-test. It was suggested that the nurses must educate women regarding prevention of pre-eclampsia.