“A Descriptive Study To Assess The Knowledge Regarding Safe Delivery Application Among The B.Sc. Nursing Students In Selected Nursing College, Bhopal’’

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Mrs Rajshree Malviya
Prof. Dr D.P. Nagar


The current study has been undertaken to assess the pre-test Knowledge score regarding safe delivery application among B.Sc. Nursing Students in Selected nursing college, Bhopal. The research design used for study was descriptive in nature. The tool for study was self-structured knowledge questionnaire which consists of 2 parts-PART- I consisted questions related to Socio-demographic data; PART-II consisted of self -structured knowledge questionnaire to assess the pre-test knowledge score regarding safe delivery application among B.Sc. Nursing Students. The data was analyzed by using descriptive & inferential statistical methods. The most significant finding was that 80.0% subjects have poor knowledge, 20.0% have average knowledge score while 0.0% B.Sc. Nursing Students were having good knowledge score

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Author Biographies

Mrs Rajshree Malviya

Ph.D Scholar, People’s University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh& Assistant Professor, Govt college of nursing GMC Bhopal, Bhopal

Prof. Dr D.P. Nagar

Research Supervisor, People’s University, Bhopal, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh