Socio - Economic Status Of Tea Garden Workers In Assam: A Case Study Of Karimganj District

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Subhash Sinha
Bijoy Prasad Lohar
Susmita Das


Tea is a widely used most common and popular refreshing drink.  Among Indian states, Assam is well known for its tea, which is one of the most important agro based commercial product of the state.. Labour is the heart and soul of tea plantation. Without labour not a single tea plant can survive as no baby can survive without mother (Sharma, 2013). This paper is an attempt to highlight the socio-economic conditions of this section of society not in general but specifically in connection with six tea gardens of Karimganj district of Assam. Simple random sampling methods were employed to select the sample of the study. The study reveals   heart-touching scenery of living of this particular section.

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Author Biographies

Subhash Sinha

Head and Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Swami Vivekananda College, Chandkhira Dist- Karimganji, Assam pin-788725

Bijoy Prasad Lohar

Assistant Professor, Department of Hindi, Swami Vivekananda College, Chandkhira, Dist.- Karimganj Assam PIN;788725

Susmita Das

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Swami Vivekananda College, Chandkhira Dist- Karimganji, Assam pin-788725