Tracing The Familial Ethics In Thirukkural’s Kamathupal
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Throughout the history teaching Ethical values through stories, poems or literatures has been a very old system of moral education, ethics is thefoundation of our human relationship to ourselves and the world around us. Ethics and Literature are deeply connected and inseparable. A good literary work has the ability to build a new sense of self in a reader. Literature is considered to be the perineal source of Ethics. Ethics and its relevant practice are essential in macro and micro, which is specified as a nation, group and individual. Ethics is built by humans and it is subject to changes and developments. This article attempts to surface how Thirukkural’s Kamathupal (On Love) is an instrument to Familial Ethics. Family in the modern era is completely broken and shattered. Amidst this chaotic living, trust, love, hope and commitment are very much needed for a happy living. This paper will also highlight various dimensions of Thirukkural’sKamathupal and looks in to how it works for an individual’s moral awareness and human behaviour. Today’s time, today’s culture in which we live is characterized mainly by pluralism with which we have to deal, with crises and turmoil that we are experiencing. If a man is loyal to his family, he does only good things to his family and to his family members, which will also seen in his relation with society . Hence, the third section in Thirukkural is a crucial section and holds the greatest ethical values that are the urgent need for the human kind