On Some Paranormed Zweier IS-Convergent Sequence Spaces Defined By Orlicz Function

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S. Maheswari
A. Pandiarani


The main aim of this article is to introduce a new class of sequence spaces   where , a sequence of positive real numbers. We use Zweier transform, an Orlicz function and a bounded sequence of positive real numbers to study the above spaces. We have studied some algebraic and topological properties and also proved some inclusion relation regarding these new spaces.

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Author Biographies

S. Maheswari

Research Scholar, Reg No: 20122052092004, PG and Research Department of Mathematics, G.Venkataswamy Naidu College, Kovilpatti-628502, TamilNadu,India. Affiliation of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli-627012, Tamil Nadu, India. 

A. Pandiarani

Associate Professor of Mathematics, Post Graduatme and Research Department of Mathematics, G.Venkataswamy Naidu College, Kovilpatti-628502, Tamilnadu, India., Affiliation of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli-627012, Tamil Nadu, India.