Crosstalk between Vitamin D and thyroid hormone with respect to patients with High Blood Pressure: A Review

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Azad Kumar Singh
Dr. Jaya Chandra
Dr Ashutosh Jain


By allowing the heart to pump blood to all of the body's organs, the cardiovascular system ensures that their metabolic demands are met. Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and cardiac output (CO) are two measures that can be used to determine blood pressure and blood flow. The heart's pumping action is a good indicator of cardiac output. Blood pressure readings deviate from the normal range for a variety of reasons that affect CO or SVR. Many factors can affect the equilibrium of systemic vascular resistance and cardiac output. Both the amount of blood circulating in the body and the force of the heart's pumping action determines CO. Ensuring the body's blood volume is maintained relies heavily on the kidney's sodium regulation and fluid handling abilities. Any decrease in kidney function, no matter how slight, will have a major impact on the body's ability to regulate fluid volume because the kidneys are so important for maintaining a healthy fluid and sodium balance. Vitamin D deficiency, defined as levels below 20 ng/ml, is on the rise, even among otherwise healthy people, and is thus a major concern in global public health. Environmental factors like vitamin D play a role in numerous biological processes, including how we perceive chronic pain and how our bodies respond to infections. Patients with autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) are at increased risk for developing vitamin D deficiency, and new evidence suggests that vitamin D may play a role in the onset of several autoimmune diseases. Pregnancy complications, abnormal thyroid function, elevated TSH levels, elevated thyroid volume, and antithyroid antibodies were all linked to low vitamin D levels in women with AITD. The article aims to understand the link between Vitamin D and the thyroid hormone in patients with hypertensive patients along with to establish a qualitative criterion within it.

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Author Biographies

Azad Kumar Singh

PhD Research Scholar, Department of Biochemistry, Index Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Indore.

Dr. Jaya Chandra

Associate professor, Department of Biochemistry, Index Medical College hospital and research centre, Indore.


Dr Ashutosh Jain

Assistant professor, Department of Physiology , Index Medical College hospital and research centre, Indore.