Impact Of Pollution On Marine Lives And Sustainable Development Goals As Transacting Tool In Changing Scenario

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Sujit Kumar Srivastava
Dr. O.P. Singh


Water covers more than 70% of surface of Earth and out of this more than 95% is held by Ocean. Oceanic water and Marine ecosystem play key role in existence of life on mother Earth. It is scientifically well known that life started from water. Marine ecosystem is most diverse and important ecosystem, it contributes in global and regional elemental cycling, and regulating the climate. Oceanic environment provides natural resources including food, materials, substances, and energy which are important for existence of life. With the advent of industrial revolution, pollution and subsequently climate change became a foresight reality. Previously it is believed that Oceans can’t be polluted but when in decade of late 1950s data appeared that Oceans are getting polluted it raised an alarm in international community. Continuing ocean acidification by way of trade ship discharge, oil spills, municipal discharge at coastal area and rise of oceanic temperatures are great threats to marine species and impacting marine ecosystem services negatively. Plastic pollution which is again a major source to pollute the Ocean. It is reported that almost 17 million metric tons of plastic is discharged in Oceans in year 2021 . It is expected that by 2040 the volume of plastic polluting Oceans each year to get double or more seriously to triple in number. About 14 per cent of coral reefs were lost between 2009 to 2018 . The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were developed during the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, which took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This conference was held with a purpose to create a set of global goals, related with the environmental, political and economic challenges that world is facing as human race. In 2015, UN has chosen 17 SDGs by voting to be applicable universally to curb the climate change scenario and to promote them as global goals for the period of 2015-2030. Out of 17 SDGs Goal No 14 which termed as LIFE BELOW WATER is about conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources. Healthy marine ecosystem is essential for human existence and life on Earth. Therefore, in the prevailing challenges afore noted, Sustainable Development Goals are understood to be transacting tool and mechanics of which is being explored in the present research article.

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Author Biographies

Sujit Kumar Srivastava

Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Law, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh

Dr. O.P. Singh

Supervisor Assistant Professor Department of law DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur UP.