A Brief Review On Various Devises Used In Tretment Of Diabetes Mellitus

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Mr. Rakesh S. Dhole
Mr. Vaibhav B. Mankhair
Mr. Purushottam S. Marathe
Mr. Chandrabhan Patil.
Mr. Sumesh.D.Patil
Mr. Rohit S. Chinchore
Mr. Rajesh D. Ahire


In 2021, 100 years mark to the discovery of insulin. The diabetes mellitus is disease increased worldwide day by day and they result in serious health complications. Now the disease affects most of the age groups. The most possible way of maintain the sugar level by using medication is insulin. It is most safe, potent and effective therapy to lower the high blood sugar level in blood. The major challenges of insulin despite its efficacy has result in low sugar level (hypoglycemia) which result in low level of dosage are prescribed in high majority people. In self care condition (self medication) administration of insulin very easy and it provide flexibility and freedom to patient with DM, the device provide good level dosing accuracy and improve patient compliance , the various popular device now days are use like insulin pen, syringe, pump, various calculator apps, artificial pancreas, insulin inhaler, jet injector, closed loop and continuous monitoring delivery systems are there and computer algorithms gain positive advancement in treatment of diabetes mellitus. So, this review is discussed about the various devices use in treatment of diabetes mellitus (DM) and their modifications.

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Author Biographies

Mr. Rakesh S. Dhole

Ahinsa Institute of Pharmacy Dondaicha, Dhule (425408), Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Mob. No. 7776844655,

Mr. Vaibhav B. Mankhair

Pharmazone Pvt Ltd., Business development executive (GCP and GXP), Ahmedabad, Mob. No. 9373686224

Mr. Purushottam S. Marathe

Ahinsa Institute of Pharmacy Dondaicha, Dhule, (425408), Assistant Professor

Mr. Chandrabhan Patil.

Shastriy Institute of Pharmacy Erandol, Jalgaon (425001), Assistant Professor

Mr. Sumesh.D.Patil

Shastry institute of pharmacy erondol , Jalgaon(4255001), Assistant Professor

Mr. Rohit S. Chinchore

Shastry institute of pharmacy Erandol , jalgoan (4255001), Assistant Professor

Mr. Rajesh D. Ahire

Ahinsa Institute of Pharmacy Dondaicha, Dhule (425408) , Assistant professor