Productivity Of Eggplant Applied With Vermi Tea At Different Spraying Frequencies

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Nonito B. Pattugalan


This study was conducted at the Research Experimental Station of Cagayan State University-Piat Campus from August
2020 to November 2020 to determine the productivity of eggplant as affected by the application of vermi tea at different spraying frequencies. Specifically, to determine the yield and agronomic characteristics of eggplant as affected by the application of vermi tea at different spraying frequencies; and to determine which of the different treatments would give the highest income and return of investment. The Randomized Complete Block (RCB) design was used to test the following treatment formulations: Treatment 1 (once a week application), Treatment 2 (twice a week application), Treatment 3(thrice a week application) and Treatment 4 (control).
Based on the findings, plants applied with vermi tea thrice a week recorded the greatest number of fruits, heaviest weight of fruit/plant, and the yield in tons/ha. However, the application of vermi tea delays the production of flowers for 5 days compared to control plants. Economic wise, thrice a week application of vermi tea outranked other treatments with 186.78% and with return of investment of 101%. The application of vermi tea up to thrice a week can increase the productivity and profitability of eggplant growers.

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Author Biography

Nonito B. Pattugalan

Cagayan State University