Lead Acetate Induced Haematological Alterations In Indian Common Carps, Labeo Rohita (Rohu) And Catla Catla (Catla), Remediating With Heavy Metal Detoxification Diet

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Sameena Akhter
Sarfaraz Hanfi
Bilquees Khan


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of Lead acetate on Haematological alterations Indian common carps Labeo rohita and Catla catla,  exposed to heavy metals i.e. Lead acetate.  The results of the study concluded that the Heavy Metals Detoxification Diet (HMDD)fed to Catla catla showed significantly improved the haematological performance of fishes, exposed with different  concentrations of Lead acetate . The potential of improving Haematological parameters in  fish may be due to the nutritional and its antioxidant property. So, the present study recommends the use of HMDD in fish feed in appropriate amount as it reduces the toxicity of heavy metals in fishes

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Author Biographies

Sameena Akhter

SAM Global University, Bhopal, M.P

Sarfaraz Hanfi

Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital & Research Center, Idgah Hills, Bhopal, M.P

Bilquees Khan

Asst Prof Zoology, SAM Global University, Bhopal, M.P