Special Class of G-Open Sets in Ideal T-Topological Spaces

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Veeresha A Sajjanara
Nazir Ahmad Ahengar
Sanjay Bhajanker
Mohammad Javed Alam


In the present paper, we introduce and investigate the notions of several -open sets such as -open sets in generalized ideal topological spaces and investigate various relationships of these sets by making the use of some suitable and counter examples for the justification of results. Hence we have categorized a special class of generalized open sets in this paper. The present study will be useful in establishing the application in the different useful fields of science and technology especially in digital topology and circuit theory

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Author Biographies

Veeresha A Sajjanara

Department of Mathematics, SoE, Presidency University Bangaluru, Karnataka, India

Nazir Ahmad Ahengar

Department of Mathematics, SoE, Presidency University Bangaluru, Karnataka, India, 

Sanjay Bhajanker

Govt. Agrasen College Bilha, Bilaspur, (C.G.) India

Mohammad Javed Alam

Department of Mathematics, SoE, Presidency University Bangaluru, Karnataka, India,