A Comparative Study Of Liquidity Analysis Of Logistics Companies

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Ms. Giribala Lallubhai Parmar
Dr. Rajeshkumar G. Patel


One of the fastest expanding sectors in the world is the Indian Logistics business. This research study is being undertaken to understand and analyze the liquidity of firms based in the BSE Logistics Index. In this Research Paper Two Logistical firms are randomly selected from the BSE Logistics Index. This study collected data source by annual report and The investigation was carried out between the years 2010–11 and 2014–15. Ratio analysis is performed to assess the liquidity of certain organizations. According to a study, some BSE Logistics index-based companies retain the appropriate liquidity

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Author Biographies

Ms. Giribala Lallubhai Parmar

PhD Scholar, Department of Commerce, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar

Dr. Rajeshkumar G. Patel

S.S.Maheta Arts & M.M.Patel Commerce College, Himatnagar