Navigating Global Waters: Exploring International Dimensions of Fisheries Legislation

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Ashok Kumar Karnani


This abstract delves into the multifaceted and consequential nature of fishery law on a global scale. The present abstract emphasizes the significance of global collaboration in the management of fisheries resources and the maintenance of sustainable fishing methods. It also covers how international agencies like the Food and Agriculture Organization and the United Nations formulate and carry out fisheries laws and regulations. The abstract highlights the necessity of strong enforcement measures to guarantee adherence to international fisheries regulations and stop overfishing and fish supply depletion. It also looks at how international agreements and organizations have influenced the development of fishery law and encouraged ethical fishing methods. Overall, this abstract emphasizes the vital role that international fisheries legislation plays in encouraging ethical fishing methods and safeguarding the world's fisheries resources for coming generations.

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Author Biography

Ashok Kumar Karnani

Assistant Professor Law, Rnb Global University, Bikaner