A Study On The Value Of Coaching In The Field Of Education

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Nitin Rishi
Dr. Meena Tiwari



Since its inception some decades ago, coaching has evolved into a variety of different approaches that may now be utilized as a method of professional development for educators and school administrators. The work of six coaches in England was the primary focus of this research, and an altered version of the focus group method was utilized to learn how the coaches conceptualized and articulated the worth of their practices. As the coaches continued to talk to one another, facts about the nature of their job and their thoughts on it were obtained, and these were evaluated topically while also giving individual tales the attention they deserved. As the discussions continued, it became clear that the coaches had been having them with each other. This study highlights the value of connections and discussion in coaching, as well as the structures and procedures that enable that. Although coaching is difficult to describe, this study proves its importance. It argues that coaching is adapted to helping individuals cope with real issues, professional interests, and conflicts faced in complicated educational environments, while also functioning as a counterweight to some of the repercussions of performativity. This is supported by the fact that coaching is becoming increasingly popular in the United States. The study also implies that coaching may be a useful approach of using the skills of experienced professionals to help an educational system that is struggling to retain teachers and school leaders. This is one of the implications of the study

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Author Biographies

Nitin Rishi

(Research Scholar) Faculty of Management and Commerce, SAM Global University, Bhopal

Dr. Meena Tiwari

Professor/Director Faculty of Management and Commerce, SAM Global University, Bhopal