A mitogenomic phylogeny and genetic history of Amphioctopus fangsiao (d’Orbigny 1839-1841) from China

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Lashari P
Wei Ch Gong L
Liu L
Jiang L
Liu B
Muhammad F
Laghari M.Y
Lashari Kh.H
Waryani B
Hlaing N.N.S
Yingying Ye


Phylogeny and genetic diversity of Amphioctopus fangsiao were assessed by sequence analysis of complete mitochondrial genomes, sequenced from 15 individuals of nine populations. The whole mtDNA genomes size were ranging from 15977 to 15990 bp. Data revealed 1642 polymorphic sites and 1023 parsimony informative sites.  The phylogenetic analysis based on neighbor joining tree disclosed two clades. It consisted of four (Dalian, Yantai, Qingdao and Nantong) and five populations (Shanghai, Zhoushan, Xiamen, Dongshan and Zhanjiang). Genetic differentiation coefficient (FST) was recorded higher i.e 0.61476. While, the AMOVA analysis showed that 61.48% of the genetic variation existed between the two clades. However, only 38.52% of the genetic variation existed within each clade. In further, the net genetic distance between the two groups was 0.030. The possible reason of differentiation is quaternary glacial period and Yangtze River.   

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