Analyze The Effect Of Selected Ayurvedic-Herbal Medicines On Cardio- Respiratory Endurance Performance Of Athletes Using Biochemical Variables
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Aims and Objectives: To analyze the effect of selected Ayurvedic-Herbal medicines on Cardio- respiratory Endurance performance of athletes using biochemical variables
Material and Methods: The data from all three groups was statistically assessed to see if there were any significant differences using the analysis of co-variance. After pre-test means were eliminated, the adjusted post-test means of the three groups were checked for significance, and if there was a significant difference, the Scheffe's Post-hoc test was used to determine the significant difference between paired means.
Results: The result on Cardio-Respiratory Endurance do indicates that, no significant differences existed among three groups. It means that Lassifer Lacca and Mymosa Pudicca may not have any influence on the Cardio Respiratory- Endurance of the subjects thereby accepting the hypothesis thus formulated.
Conclusion: In Ayurveda, athletic performance is coming under Balya or Bala which means Vyayam Sakthi. The selected medicine Lakshadi Choornam with ingredients Lassifer Lacca and Mymosa Pudicca is a type of medicine which can be given to increase the Vyayam Shakthi or athletic performance. Even though the biochemical variables chosen, such as haemoglobin, total cholesterol, and blood glucose, have a direct association with endurance performance, supplementation had no effect on them.