A Research Investigation into the Agricultural Sector and its Attendant Challenges Affecting Farmers

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Dr. Dipali Gupta
Dr. Gajanand Modi


Farmers, the backbone of the Indian economy and guardians of food security, face an alarming crisis marked by escalating suicides due to meager income and overwhelming debt. Hindered by limited access to markets, technology, and irrigation, coupled with encroachment of their lands by private entities, contract farming, and the challenges of climate change, droughts, and floods, farmers are enduring immense suffering. With dwindling incomes, many are compelled to abandon agriculture for alternate livelihoods, exacerbating the plight of marginal and smallholder farmers, who are the hardest hit.

Despite government initiatives and technological advancements, the epidemic of farmer suicides persists unabated. Currently, 76% of farmers have relinquished cultivation, underscoring their vulnerability. Urgent action is imperative. Comprehensive measures are needed, including improved market access, enhanced infrastructure, and better road connectivity. Additionally, provisions for free healthcare, education, special food packages, and medical insurance for farmers and their families are imperative. It is imperative to prioritize the well-being and livelihoods of our farmers, who are the lifeline of our nation.

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Author Biographies

Dr. Dipali Gupta

Professor-RNB Global University-Bikaner

Dr. Gajanand Modi

Associate professor-RNB Global University-Bikaner