Underlying Motives Associated with The Usage Of The Functional Foods-A Review Of Literature

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Dr. Vidhita Sinha
Dr. Hitesh Parmar
Dr. Hiren Harsora
Mr. Shubham Pare


Due to the increase in the degenerative diseases the consumers have started opting for functional foods known for their potential to alleviate the risk of some of the chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes and which are known to help incurbing or postponing the disease which may occur if consumed regularly and thus can help in the well-being if the humans. A number of studies have been conducted so far about the factors influencing the usage of functional foods. This study is an attempt to summarize the reasons for opting for the functional foods obtained through the various studies and will help the functional food product manufacturers in their decision selling and positioning their food products

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Author Biographies

Dr. Vidhita Sinha

 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management Studies, Ganpat University

Dr. Hitesh Parmar

 Assistant Professor, PGDBM, Sardar Patel University, 9898551810

Dr. Hiren Harsora

 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management Studies, Parul Institute of Management & Research, Parul University


Mr. Shubham Pare


 Lead Data Analyst, S&P Global Market Intelligence, 9099015271