Observational Study Of The Relation Between Hypertension And Diabetic Nephropathy

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Dr. Sonali R. Patil
Dr. Abhinandan Muke
Dr. Dhananjay M Patil
Dr Lata Patil


Hypertension is the most common problem in daily routine practice. It is lifestyle induced disease. In now days lifestyle induced disorders are raised due to wrong lifestyle. In hypertension the main sign is rise in blood pressure. In this chapter we are going to study various aspects of hypertension and complication occurred due to hypertension that is Diabetic nephropathy . When We think about of hypertension then points comes under that from sign, symptoms, Diagnosis and treatment of hypertension but some time person with uncontrolled Diabetes and hypertension get complication like nephropathy and at the last management of complication is also necessary . Experience of hypertension with diabetes is very difficult thing for every patient and doctor too, so it is important to study hypertension, diabetes and its complication diabetic nephropathy  is necessary hence I have selected this topic for  observational study .

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Author Biographies

Dr. Sonali R. Patil

PhD (Scholar), Department of Rognidan Evam Vikriti Vigyan,  BVDU College of Ayurved, Pune, India.

Dr. Abhinandan Muke

Professor, BVDU College of Ayurved, Pune, India.

Dr. Dhananjay M Patil

Assistant professor, Department of Swasthavritta, BVDU College of Ayurved, Pune, India.

Dr Lata Patil

Associate Professor, Department of Rognidan evam Vikriti vigyan,, BVDU College of Ayurved, Pune, India.