A Comparative Clinical Study of Tamra Shalaka & Panchdhatu Shalaka In The Management of Bahya Arsha.

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Dr. M. Srinu Shah. Krishnamurthy
Dr. Hemant Toshikhane


Introduction: Arshas is considered as one of the astha mahagada roga by Acharya Susruta for which different methods of management such as Bheshjakarma, ksharkarma, Shastrakarma Agnikarma and Raktamokshana. The approach of Agnikarma has been mentioned in the context of disease as Arsha, Arbuda, Bhagandar, Sira, Snayu, Asthi, Sandhigata Vata Vikaras etc.in which pain is a predominant symptom. Agnikarma can be ideate as ancient pain treatment tool. Arsha is an extremely common problem reported since many years with prevalence rate that is highest among all the anorectal disorders. But in Ayurveda fourfold according to chronicity Agnikarma procedure seems to be more effective in clinical basis in the  management of Arsha.

Materials And Methods: It's an open randomized parallel trial group. A total 40 patients were selected randomly with the symptoms were divided in two groups, and in each group 20-20 patients were treated with Tamra shalaka and Pancha dhatu shaka. With those diseased group Exicsion of Bahya arsha was done.

Result: Both groups had given remaekable improvement by the Agnikarma procedure which was carried out throughout the study. This shows that agnikarma acts very well for the management of Arsha.

Conclusion: Agnikarma by Tamra Shalaka gives better symptomatic relief than panchadhatu shalakas in the management of Bahya Arsh w.s.r to External skin tag.

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Author Biographies

Dr. M. Srinu Shah. Krishnamurthy

Ph. D Scholar, Department of Shalya Tantra, Parul Institute of Ayurveda College, Vadodara-391760, Gujarat, India.

Dr. Hemant Toshikhane

Professor and Dean Department of Shalya Tantra, Parul Institute of Ayurveda College, Vadodara-391760, Gujarat, India.