Study And Compare Male, Female Of Different Age Of Organic Food Users And Inorganic Foods Users With Regards To Stomach Problem Like Epigastric Pain On Empty Stomach Or Belching And Abdominal Pain

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Th. Supriya Devi
H. Sophia Devi
Sanasam Bharati Devi


Researchers attempted to examine the effects of both organic and inorganic food consumers in the current investigation. My research's primary objective is to examine and contrast consumers of organic and inorganic foods. This is in reference to a survey that people between the ages of 20 and 30 years, 30 and 40 years, and over 45 years old participated in about certain physical issues. The main goals of the current study are to investigate and compare the effects of eating organic foods and eating inorganic foods on epigastric pain on an empty stomach, belching, and abdominal pain after two to 2.5 hours of eating for males and females in the age groups of 20 to 30, 31 to 40, and 45 and above. Researchers that specialise in this field of study will also benefit from the results of this examination. The research's findings will be helpful for To improve environmental knowledge and raise awareness of the many benefits of organic food, educational institutions can strengthen their curricula by embracing the idea of organic food and farming. The results of this study may help the government formulate new regulations for organic food production.

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Author Biographies

Th. Supriya Devi

Department of Home Science, Liberal College,

H. Sophia Devi

Department of Home Science, Liberal College

Sanasam Bharati Devi

Asst. Prof. Department of Home Science, Thambal Marik College.