A Systematic Literature Review on the Quality of Work Life of Fishermen in Kerala

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Dr. M. Dhanabhakyam


This systematic literature review investigates into the Quality of Work Life (QWL) of fishermen in Kerala, India, a region where the fishing industry plays a crucial role in the socio-economic framework. The review identifies and examines the multifaceted challenges impacting fishermen's QWL. These challenges include severe occupational hazards, such as accidents and exposure to extreme weather conditions, and economic uncertainties driven by fluctuating fish prices and rising fuel costs. Environmental concerns, like fish stock depletion and water pollution, further exacerbate their difficulties. Social vulnerability and marginalization, characterized by inadequate healthcare, limited educational opportunities, and insufficient social support, add to their plight. Fishermen also struggle with work-life imbalance due to long hours and irregular schedules, and face technological limitations that hinder productivity. Inadequate government support, limited market access, health issues, and the lack of social security compound these problems. By synthesizing these findings from existing literature, this review underscores critical areas for intervention and policy development to improve the welfare and dignity of Kerala's fishing communities.

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Author Biographies

Dr. M. Dhanabhakyam

Professor and Dean, Department of Commerce, Bharathiar University


Junior Research Fellow, Department of Commerce, Bharathiar University